Monday, June 3, 2024

Obituary for Sr. Carmel Therese

Please remember in your Prayers : Sister Carmel Therese Favazzo     Obituary

Sr. Carmel Therese Favazzo passed away on June 1, 2024. She is survived by her brother Thomas Favazzo and sister-in-law, as well as a number of nieces and nephews. Sister was a member of the Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) for 72 years.

Sister was born in the Bronx, NY on November 10, 1927, entered the Pallottine Community September 8, 1951 and made her final vows on September 1, 1959. She offered her services to the Church through her teaching and administration in various parish schools of the Archdioceses of New York and New Jersey. Sister Carmel Therese was the former president of Harriman College which was located in Monroe, NY. In addition, Sister served in Rome, Italy, as a General Councilor for the Congregation.

Sister was a remarkable leader of the Pallottine Sisters especially during the post Vatican changes in the Catholic Church and in many religious communities. She was instrumental in bringing the Sisters at that time, through the process of those significant changes.

We thank God for her 96 years of life and 72 years of religious life in the Pallottine Community, as well as for her service to the Church and our Congregation.

We pray for her eternal rest and for the comfort of her family and community.

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Obituary for Sr. Carmel Therese

Please remember in your Prayers : Sister Carmel Therese Favazzo     Obituary Sr. Carmel Therese Favazzo passed away on June 1, 2024. She is ...